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加拿大卡尔加里大学Henry Leung教授来我院做学术报告

2010年6月17日下午,Henry Leung教授学术报告会在航空航天学院一楼学术报告大厅举行。Dr. Henry Leung为我院师生做了题为《A Decision Support System for Sensor Network》的学术报告。导航信息与控制所肖刚副教授担任本次报告会的主持人。航空航天学院信控所师生共同聆听了此次报告。报告会后,Dr. Henry Leung又详细回答了同学们的提问,为同学们开展数据融合、无线传感网络等课题研究提供了宝贵的学习经验和思路。 

学术报告Abstract:Network centric approach to complex systems has been attracting a lot of attention in the recent past. With specific applications in space, military and other information enterprises, such an approach is capable of yielding autonomy at the system level. This presentation describes a decision support system for sensor network surveillance. The network architecture entails a hierarchy of capabilities, information and control, where nodes in the network are thoroughly or partially autonomous. The network also consists of slave nodes dedicated to sensing and gathering information. Individual nodes are expected to possess resources for networking and computing and presume autonomy through multi functional modules for sensory processing, situation assessment and resource management. An integrated approach is developed here to perform data association, registration and fusion simultaneously. A fuzzy cognitive map is proposed to perform situation assessment, while a combined genetic algorithm and dynamic programming is employed for resource management. The distributed architecture is applied to coastal surveillance with simulations on the west coast of Canada.

Dr. Henry Leung简历:

Dr. Henry Leung is a professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada. Before that, he worked with the Department of National Defense of Canada. His main duty was to develop an automated surveillance system that includes detection, tracking, identification and data fusion. His current research interests include adaptive complex systems, computational intelligence, data mining, information fusion, nonlinear dynamics, sensor networks and wireless communications. He has published over 150 papers in refereed journals. He is currently an associate editor of the International Journal on Information Fusion and the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and guest editor of several special issues in different journals such as the IEEE Sensor Journal. He has chaired and served on the program committee for various conferences such as IEEE ISCAS 2010. He received numerous awards such as the Mountbatten premium, the Micronet best paper award, and the Killam fellowship.


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